You Look Different Now but I Know You, Entity

In the previous post I already talked about entities. Let’s take a deeper look at what an entity really is. … I Know You … If you want to know what an entity looks like, just go in your bathroom and look in the mirror – remember what you see. Go on, I wait …

Events played in C#

The previous posts gave you a foundation to understand the concepts in Event-Sourcing. Now it’s time to show off some code. “Event” or “Event” First things first: “event” is an already used term in C#. It’s used for registering handlers and known for memory leaks. Well, at least if you’re not careful. The Basis When…

Semi-Typed Array in Flash Player 9

A few days ago I stumbled over the ActionScript 3 Vector class. This class is like an array but it has one (beside others) big advantage: compile and runtime type-checking! So I headed out to see how it works…and I stuck. My problem was that the Vector class is only available for Flash Player 10+…

Compiling Samples

Sometimes I will attach a sample project to my posts. That’s what you need to do with it.